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Стрілець Вікторія Юріївна
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Основні публікації
Гендерний паспорт міста Полтави
The Impact of Digitalization on Employment Transformation in Countries with Different Income Levels
The main Features of Innovation Implementation in the Creative Industries Market
Competitiveness of Transnational Companies of Creative Industries Market in Pre-Quarantine and Quarantine Periods
Innovations and its Impact on the Competitiveness of TNCs on the Creative Industries Market (on the Example of the «Walt Disney Company»).
Monetary Policy In The Conditions Of War: Ukrainian And Foreign Experience
Цифровізація як інструмент побудови інноваційної стратегії розвитку бізнесу країн ЄС в умовах адаптації до кризових тенденцій міжнародної економіки
Application of SWOT-analysis in Branding and Marketing of TNCs in the Global Clothing Market (based on the Materials of Zara, Nike, Dior, Prada Companies)
Statistical Analysis of the Impact of Branding and Marketing on the Competitiveness of TNCs in the Global Clothing Market (based on the materials of Zara, Nike, Dior, Prada Companies).
Statistical Analysis of the Influence of TNC on the Functioning of National Economics on the Global Market
Correlation and Regression Analysis of the Impact of Economic Globalization on the Development of National Markets.
Forecasting of the Competitiveness of Global Clothing Manufacturers in the Global Market (based on the Materials of Zara, Nike, Dior, Prada Companies)
Prospects for the Development of Globalization Processes under the Influence of the Driving Forces of TNCs
Маркетинговий аналіз діяльності «The Walt Disney Company» на ринку креативних індустрій http://dspace.puet.edu.ua/handle/123456789/14577
Апробації, науково-популярні, науково-експертні та консультаційні публікації
Five Forces Analysis of Top Three Brands in Sportswear
Innovation as the main driver for the future economic growth of the company (on Tesla, Inc. Example)
Creative Industries: Essence and Current State
Теоретичні основи інноваційної діяльності на ринку креативних індустрій
Development Prospects after Quarantine Restrictions through COVID-19 on Transnational Corporations
The Influence of Quarantine Restrictions through COVID-19 on the Activities of Transnational Corporations
Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Quarantine Restrictions due to Covid-19 on the Activities of Companies in the Creative Industries and Other Areas
The Impact of Quarantine Restrictions on the Activities of Companies in the Field of Creative Industries
Correlation Analysis of the Innovative Activity of a Company in the Market of Creative Industries (on the Example of «The Walt Disney Company»)
Вплив інноваційного розвитку на конкурентоспроможність країни
Кластерний аналіз економічного розвитку країн Європи
Cluster Analysis Of The World Tourism Market In The Pre-Quarantine And Post-Quarantine Periods
The Role of the Application of Business English in Economic Scientific Research
TNC As Key Figures In The Acceleration Of Economic Globalization Processes
The Main Factors Of Influence On The Competitiveness Of Companies On The Global Clothing Market
The Evolution Of The Formation Of TNC As Key Figures Of Economic Globalization
Price And Quality As The Main Factors Of Influence On The Competitiveness Of Companies On The Global Clothing Market
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